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The entire Spire 5E3XB3 series would appear to be stuck in essentially the same location and temperature range. Not in any way breaking with tradition, the '32' series brings to the table a rather OEM class performance of just under 60 degrees Celsius. Better than at least two of the competition, but not good enough to bring the '32' series out from under the OEM umbrella. Given the choice between the above reference heatsinks it is pretty obvious where the performance heatsinks come in. With a complete lack of copper, and a moderately sized fan there is little chance of the '32' series outperforming and of the more well known coolers. That said, any heatsink which comes in under the 60 degree mark is in range for average use on a non-overclocked system.
No surprises here either. The '32' series falls in line with what its' counterparts pulled off almost to the same point. It manages pretty good performance on the large copper die template, and only mid to low average performance on the smaller copper die template. Were this heatsink used on a T-Bird or FC-PGA Pentium you'd likely see some OEM-class cooling. Really nothing to write home about, but then again it is nothing to avoid at all costs either. The heatsink is capable of keeping temperatures within a decent range. We would have really liked to have seen the '32' series put out a bit better performance, but are satisfied with it remaining under the 40 degree rise above ambient. It wouldn't be our first option, but then again it wouldn't be a heatsink we'd avoid completely either - a typical average performing OEM-class heatsink.
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