Abstract: Choosing an OEM class heatsink means you get an inexpensive heatsink with questionable performance characteristics.
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Page: The CPS25603-16 from several angles:
Globalwin have always been good
about sticking large and well performing fans on their heatsinks. The increased airflow over the many aluminum fins of
a heatsink can often make up for less than efficient extrusion designs.
This fan is unique in that it is one of the only 23mm
thick fans we've ever seen. On the downside the 33mm diameter fan motor
creates a large deadspot over the center of the heatsink.
As with most OEM class heatsinks, the extrusion is cross cut to improve surface area
as much as possible. In this case you'll notice that the clip cutout is
off center slightly.
The cross cuts are 2.5mm wide, and the
fins taper from about 2mm to 1.5mm. While it is difficult to see from
this angle, each of the fins has a serrated surface to increase turbulence,
and thusly heat removal.
It is always a bit funny to see a
heatsink with a fan about the same size.
In this case the
heatsink is 25mm tall, and the fan 23mm.
Looking at the base, which is 4mm thick you'll notice a
small edge sticking out. To fit this heatsink on a FC-PGA PIII we had
to remove that edge, as it stuck out too far for the heatsink to seat
properly. |
The opposite side of the Globalwin
best illustrates the slight offset of the clip in relation to the rest of
the heatsink. The clip has a large thumb lever which makes installing the
heatsink easy and quick. |
The base of the CPS25603-16 is less
than great. Rather than a natural extrusion finish, or a milled base, Globalwin have used a very
rough brushed surface. The surface really requires the use of a thermal pad,
or a generous amount of thermal compound.
Surface flatness was fairly
good, but surface finish is quite poor. |
FrostyTech Synthetic Temperature Test Platform:
The FrostyTech Synthetic Temperature Test
Platform consists of an aluminum block heated by a 120V 250 Ohm precision
resistor producing 50W of heat. That heat is transmitted to the heatsink via the
aluminum block and up through special copper die templates with thermistors
embedded directly in them.
A temperature reading for a particular
heatsink is taken once the temperature stabilizes in the copper die template.
Since each of the die templates have the surface area of either a silicon topped
or heatspreader-topped processor the flow of heat to the base of the heatsink
accurately mimics a real life configuration.

Shown with the copper die template for a
silicon-topped processor, the synthetic heatsink test apparatus awaits a coating
of silver-based thermal compound and the Globalwin CPS25603-16
heatsink. A slightly larger copper die template was used to test the
effective cooling ability of the CPS25603-16 atop a heatspreader-based
processor like an overclocked PGA Celeron processor.
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