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The Contenders: The Champ: Alpha FC-PAL35 $41 CDN / $28 USD The Challenger: Thermaltake Golden Orb Socket Cooler $20 CDN / $14 USD The Test: Quake II looping demo (crusher.dm2) and Quake III looping demo (pureexcess.dm3) were run for 20 minutes each. Both CPU coolers managed to keep the CPU stable. Alpha FC-PAL35: 31C Thermaltake Golden Orb: 33C Conclusion: The Alpha FC-PAL35 still beats out the Golden Orb. But let's face it guys, overclockers are generally looking for a good deal. Getting a good deal is usually gauged by the relative price/performance ratio. While the hardcore overclockers out there do not mind paying twice as much for a 2 degrees Celsius advantage, the vast majority of overclockers will find the Golden Orb to be a more attractive solution. The Golden Orb has very few faults (not as good as the Alpha FC-PAL for cooling,) but the advantages that it offers can be somewhat overwhelming. The first of which, is price, believe me, this heat sink is a godsend to bargain seeking overclockers! Secondly, the size of the unit is also very important, as it did not block any DIMM slots on my motherboard.Thirdly, the Orb attaches easily to the socket - but be warned if you turn too much, as it has been known to shear off the little clips on the plastic socket. Finally, this heat sink and fan combo is very quiet. Having a quiet and high performing cooling combination is always welcome. I recommend the Golden Orb from Thermaltake, I don't really see why anyone would want to spend twice as much for a slight 2 degrees Celsius advantage.
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