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In our particular test location, residential houses are spaced about two feet apart. As cable and extra phone outlets have been installed over time, the technicians have been running the wiring along the outside of the house. As houses are so close together, visibility of wires is not an issue. Keep in mind this method may not be the best for houses with a lot of open space around them. I found one site that warned against running wires on the outside of a building as there was a potential to attract lightning. Before I go on I'm going to recap why no one should attempt to drill through walls unless completely knowledgeable about what can lie behind them. Most importantly that being electrical wires. Drilling anywhere near a plug can be very hazardous - especially if the drill bit were to hit a wire. Water pipes, drilling a wet wall, or by (or even below) a kitchen or bath poses the possibility of hitting a copper or PVC pipe and puncturing it. The first hole:
For the next hole we drilled 2" away (horizontally) from another existing phone line. If the drill bit is long enough, this is just a matter of drilling completely through the wall, if it isn't, and the wall thickness is less then twice the length of the drill bit then one can drill from opposite sides. This section of wall was about 8" thick so we careful measured exactly 2" (horizontally) from where the phone line came through on the inside, and marked the spot. We drilled through that point on the inside and met up with the hole we had drilled from the outside almost exactly. Going back to the length of Cat5 now dangling out of the previous hole, we pulled it over to the new spot. The coathanger was again fed through from the inside, and the wire looped around the bent bit that stuck out. The coat hanger pulled from the inside to bring the wire back into the house. With the end of the wire in the room, we left a health length of extra wire (four feet worth) and set about with the next stage.
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