Globalwin CDK38 From All
Angles |
The Fan: The 60mm black label fan
is from Delta and measures 25mm thick. Given that the stated RPM is 7000,
the little wire fan grill is a welcome sight, and one that will help
prevent both fingers and errant wires from doom. With such a small
formfactor it is really important to have a high-powered and reliable fan
cooling the heatsink. Larger heatsink have a bit of a grace period if the
fan fails because their larger mass can absorb the heat and even cool by
convection alone in some circumstances. A small heatsink like this doesn't
have that opportunity. |
Top: The 26 fins
which are soldered to the copper base plate measure 0.5mm thick and are
spaced about 1mm. The aluminum fan shroud
elevates the base of the fan 6mm above the tips of the copper fins. It is also worth noting
that the center clip is not held in place within the body of the heatsink by any
tabs. |
The side of the heatsink is solid, so the only way exhaust air can escape the heatsink is out the two sides. Given the softness of the copper it wouldn't make much sense to have any kind of mid-heatsink exhaust ports.
Side B: It is hard to say exactly why the sets
of fins are
different colours, but I don't think it will have anything
to do with how well they cool :-) The fins are all 25mm in height even
though the ones on the outer edges appear as though they are shorter. The base plate is
5mm thick and the clip requires the use of a flat head screwdriver to get engaged. |
Heatsink Base:
The base metal which is solid copper looks like it was punched out
of a larger sheet and left raw. The need for extra machining
is really minimal as the base is just about dead on flat already. The surface finish is raw but
pretty smooth. There is no undercut for the socket cam arm, rather Globalwin have just
left the heatsink base a little short of the total possible width which is
just fine. |