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Cyber Cooler P10K Heatsink Review
Cyber Cooler P10K Heatsink Review
Abstract: It sort of looks like a stock PIII heatsink, but the performance just isn't here.

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Cyber Cooler   Cooling / Heatsinks   Jul 16, 2002   Max Page  
Cybercooler P100000 Heatsink Review

There are times when we review certain heatsinks and it just seems kinna pointless because the performance curve is so low. But rather than not review the poor performers, long ago we decided it was just as important, and so here we are. We review the good, the bad and the ugly occasionally. The Cybercooler P10000 isn't ugly, nor is it exactly good - in fact I would have to say you should avoid this particular heatsink at all costs because it is just little, too late as they say.

It sort of looks like a stock PIII heatsink, but the performance just isn't here - this little guy has in fact managed to come in dead last in our list of reverence heatsinks. Now if that doesn't say something I don't know what does.

Heatsink Specsheet:
  • Model: P10000
  • HS Material: extruded aluminum
  • Fan: 3500RPM, 12V, 0.19A, 21CFM,
  • Fan Dim: 17x68x68mm
  • FHS Dimensions: 54x63x72mm
  • Made by: Cybercooler
  • Cost: $9USD
Sold By:
    Heatsink Audio Sample Included.

    P10000 From All Angles

    The Fan:

    The heatsink comes with a reverse mounted fan that clips onto the body of the heatsink with little plastic feet. One of the feel broke off in shipping but this didn't affect performance in any way. The fan is very quiet in operation and power is drawn from the motherboard via a standard three-pin header.

    Top: The fins are spaced about 2mm apart in this really simple extrusion. It might make a good VIA eden processor heatsink with or without the fan attached.

    Side A: There are two cross cuts to give the heatsink more surface area, generate turbulence, and create a few exhaust ports. The fins are smooth, and dead plain. The clip is supposed to be tooless, but was so stiff we had to use a pair of pliers to lock it down.
    Side B:
    The aluminum fins are 1mm thick and spaced 2mm apart. The base plate is about 7mm thick.

    Heatsink Base:

    A small square of white thermal compound comes pre-applied to the sanded base of the Cybercooler P10000. Base flatness was perfect, but smoothness left a few things to be desired. Overall, the simple design is I think most hampered by the really low power fan.

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    Table of Contents:

     1: — Cyber Cooler P10K Heatsink Review
     2:  New Heatsink Test Parameters
     3:  Acoustic Test Results
     4:  Synthetic Temperature Test Results

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