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Cyber Cooler P5750 Copper Heatsink Review
Cybercooler are a relatively new manufacturer to us, and the P5750 is a good example of what they have to offer. The full copper heatsink makes use of a series of thin copper fins which have been soldered to the copper base. Unlike other heatsinks where it is hard to tell if the fins have been glued in place with thermal adhesive, dip brazed, or just soldered, you can actually see the flux and solder remaining at the base of these fins. You can also smell the flux, but that shouldn't be a big deal, even if the heatsink gets nice and warm during use. Perhaps a dip in some cleaning solution would be good for this heatsink to remove the flux traces...
The socket 370 / socket A P5750 heatsink has a foot print of just about 65mm in both lengths, and
weights maybe 200 grams. The thin copper fins are spaced very consistently, and even though there are flux marks, the heatsink
does look pretty professional, if still a bit rough around the edges (see above).
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