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Dynatron Model P Skived Copper Heatsink Review
Dynatron Model P Skived Copper Heatsink Review
Abstract: The Model P heatsink from Dynatron is a full copper skived heatsink with a very powerful, and very noisy Delta fan.

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Dynatron   Cooling / Heatsinks   Apr 30, 2002   Max Page  

Dynatron Model P Skived Copper Heatsink Review

The last time I tested a heatsink with a 38mm thick high-speed Delta fan my finger got sucked into the "blender of death" and there was plenty of blood - see picture :) Be smart, keep that fan grill on at all times.

The Model P heatsink from Dynatron is a full copper skived heatsink with a very powerful, and very noisy Delta fan. Heck, the fan is larger than the actual heatsink so that should tell you something. These 38mm thick Delta fans draw 0.83A so it is better to plug them into the power supply via a Molex pass thru cable adaptor. We haven't ever had a fan blow a fuse on one of our motherboards, but I have heard a few accounts of things happening in the long run which may be due to the high current draw.

Anyway, lets get back to the Dyantron Model P, its big fan, and all the cooling goodness it should be providing. Both fins and base are made from one solid piece of copper - there are no joints whatsoever - and the process used to create this is called skiving.
Heatsink Specsheet:
  • Model: DC1206BMP
  • Fan Type: Delta AFB0612EH
  • Fan: 7000RPM, 43 CFM, 12V, 0.83A
  • Fan Dim: 38x60x60mm
  • Heatsink Dim: 73x62x63mm
  • HS Material: C1020 Copper
  • Mfg by: Dynatron Corp.
  • Cost: $30-$40

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Heatsink Audio Sample Included.

A look at the Microfins

Wondering about these Skived Copper fins we speak of? Well the manufacturing process goes something analogous to a chisel cutting into a piece of wood. The difference is that the cuts are much more controlled and result in straight bits of metal (the fins) standing upright.

After removing the aluminum shroud we were able to take a first hand look at these fins. Each fin has a smooth side, and a rough side. The tips of the fins come to a knife edge, and unlike what you might expect from copper are nice and stiff - probably due to work hardening.

Smooth Side

If you were to look very closely at a fin you could see one bumpy side which has been created by the shearing forces as the copper was drawn up. From a standpoint of crystalline structures this is kind of cool, but insofar as heatsink performance is concerned it is merely academic.

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Table of Contents:

 1: — Dynatron Model P Skived Copper Heatsink Review
 2:  Turn That heatsink around and have a look
 3:  Heatsink Test Parameters
 4:  Thermal and Acoustic Test Results

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